Show Information:
- Open
to all purebred Fainting Goats (any Fainting Goat already registered as purebred with a Fainting Goat registry or documentation as to family linage). For more eligibility information, see the FGG Fainting Goat Show home page.
- This is a ribbon and points show. For more information about the point system, see the FGG Fainting Goat Show home page.
- To enter the FGG Shows, complete the CCFGS online entry form.
- To enter the Futurity Shows and Regional Championships, complete the CCFGS Futurity Shows & Regional Championships online entry form.
- On-line entries must be received by April 22, 2024 (Futurity and Regional entries only).
- Entry Fees:
- Regular division classes: $10 per goat per entry before or on April 14, 2024. Late entries will be accepted up to April 21st (+$5.00 per class late fee).
- Futurity classes: $10 per goat per entry before or on April 14, 2024 (no late entries accepted).
- Showmanship: free
- Pen Fees: $15 per pen and includes shavings. You are responsible for cleaning your own pens or you can pay $5 per pen to have them cleaned for you.
- Exhibitors can enter the fairgrounds Thursday May 23, 2024.
- Camping is available at the fairgrounds for tents $10/night or RVs $45/night (includes water/electricity hook-up).
- All fees are due in full by May 1, 2024.
- How to Pay Fees for FGG Open Show fees, pen fees, and camping fees: To pay via Venmo, use @Ayrin-Ramirez-1. To pay via PayPal, send money using the Personal Tab to @AyrinMRamirez. To pay by checks, send to Ayrin Ramirez, 3204 Tamworth Ct., Modesto, CA 95350.
- How to Pay Futurity and Regional Championships Fees: To pay via Venmo (preferred), use @Tracy-Teichert. To pay via PayPal, send money using the Personal Tab to avoid PayPal fees, please use the Personal Tab and use a bank account or PayPal balance. There is a 2% plus $0.35 fee for using Debit/Credit cards. To pay by checks, send to Tracy Teichert, PO Box 1211, Ramona, CA 92065.
- No animal owned, co-owned or leased by the judges, or the immediate family of the judges, or purchased from the judges within six months of the show, may be exhibited in the show being judged by that particular judge.

FGG Futurity Shows - May 24th & 26th
The Fainting Goat Guild Futurity is designed to encourage selective breeding to enhance the breed and produce outstanding offspring, while competing for premium monies, $50 Champion Award,
and an end-of-year Overall Winner Award.
Futurity classes are open to doelings and bucklings born of Futurity nominated does.
See the FGG Futurity home page for more information on how to nomiate the dam.
Futurity Doeling Classes |
Class F1 |
Jr. Does: Under 3 months |
Class F2 |
Jr. Does: 3 to under 6 months |
Class F3 |
Jr. Does: 6 to under 9 months |
Class F4 |
Jr. Does: 9 to under 12 months |
Class F5 |
Yearling Does: 12 to under 24 months - unfreshened |
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes F1 - F5. Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class from which the Champion was selected.
Futurity Buckling Classes |
Class F6 |
Jr. Bucks: Under 3 months |
Class F7 |
Jr. Bucks: 3 to under 6 months |
Class F8 |
Jr. Bucks: 6 to under 9 months |
Class F9 |
Jr. Bucks: 9 to under 12 months |
Class F10 |
Yearling Bucks: 12 to under 24 months |
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes F6 - F10. Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class from which the Champion was selected.
The FGG Futurity Show will be a ribbon and premium ($$) awards show.
A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors!
May 24th - Sequoia Futurity Show
Futurity Champion Doeling $50
Fainting Goat Guild

Futurity Champion Buckling $50
Fainting Goat Guild

Futurity Reserve Champion Doeling $25
Sponsored by:
Ahart Acres
Lisa Ohling
Futurity Reserve Champion Buckling $25
Sponsored by:
Ahart Acres
Lisa Ohling
May 26th - Redwood Futurity Show
Futurity Champion Doeling $50
Fainting Goat Guild
Futurity Champion Buckling $50
Fainting Goat Guild
Futurity Reserve Champion Doeling $25
Sponsored by:
Ancient Valley Ranch
Sue Johnson
Futurity Reserve Champion Buckling $25
Sponsored by:
Ancient Valley Ranch
Sue Johnson

FGG Sequoia & Redwood Shows
Class Schedule
Showmanship Classes
Class S1 |
Adult |
Handlers 18 years of age and over |
Class S2 |
Senior |
Handlers 16 to 17 years of age |
Class S3 |
Intermediate |
Handlers 13 to 15 years of age |
Class S4 |
Junior |
Handlers 9 to 12 years of age |
Class S5 |
Beginner |
Handlers 4 to 8 years of age |
Handlers will be judged on showmanship. The goat will be judged on how well it is groomed. Handlers may show a doe or wether of any age. Junior bucks 6 months or younger may also be shown if well behaved. Bucks over 6 months are not allowed in showmanship classes.
Beginners under the age of 4 may enter the ring with a handler. |
Master Showman & Reserve Master Showman
Chosen from the 1st and 2nd place winners of the youth classes S2 - S5.
Second place winners have equal chance of winning Master Showman.
Wether Classes
Junior Wether Classes |
Class 1 |
Jr. Wether: under 3 months |
Class 2 |
Jr. Wether: 3 to under 6 months |
Class 3 |
Jr. Wether: 6 to under 9 months |
Class 4 |
Jr. Wether: 9 to under 12 months |
Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Wether
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes 1-4.
Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class
from which the Champion was selected.
Senior Wether Classes |
Class 5 |
Yearling Wether: 12 to under 24 months |
Class 6 |
Two Year Old Wether: 24 to under 36 months |
Class 7 |
Three Year Old Wether & Older: 36 months & older |
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Wether
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes 5-7.
Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class
from which the Champion was selected.
Grand Champion will be selected from the Junior and Senior Champion wethers.
Reserve Grand Champion will be selected from the remaining Champions and the Reserve Champion animal
from which the Grand Champion was selected.
Doe Classes
Junior Doe Classes |
Class 8 |
Jr. Doe: under 3 months |
Class 9 |
Jr. Doe: 3 to under 6 months |
Class 10 |
Jr. Doe: 6 to under 9 months |
Class 11 |
Jr. Doe: 9 to under 12 months |
Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Doe
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes 8-11.
Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class
from which the Champion was selected.
Yearling Doe Classes |
Class 12 |
Does: 12 to under 16 months |
Class 13 |
Does: 16 to under 20 months |
Class 14 |
Does: 20 to under 24 months |
Yearling Champion & Reserve Yearling Champion Doe
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes 12-14.
Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class
from which the Champion was selected.
Senior Doe Classes |
Class 15 |
Two Year Old Does: 24 to under 36 months |
Class 16 |
Three Year Old Does: 36 to under 48 months |
Class 17 |
Four Year Old Does: 48 to under 60 months |
Class 18 |
Five Year Old and Older Does: 60 months and older |
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Doe
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes 15-18.
Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class
from which the Champion was selected.
Grand Champion will be selected from the Junior, Yearling, and Senior Champion does.
Reserve Grand Champion will be selected from the remaining Champions and the Reserve Champion animal
from which the Grand Champion was selected.
Buck Classes
Junior Buck Classes |
Class 19 |
Jr. Buck: under 3 months |
Class 20 |
Jr. Buck: 3 to under 6 months |
Class 21 |
Jr. Buck: 6 to under 9 months |
Class 22 |
Jr. Buck: 9 to under 12 months |
Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Buck
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes 19-22.
Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class
from which the Champion was selected.
Yearling Buck Classes |
Class 23 |
Bucks: 12 to under 16 months |
Class 24 |
Bucks: 16 to under 20 months |
Class 25 |
Bucks: 20 to under 24 months |
Yearling Champion & Reserve Yearling Champion Buck
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes 23-25.
Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class
from which the Champion was selected.
Senior Buck Classes |
Class 26 |
Two Year Old Bucks: 24 to under 36 months |
Class 27 |
Three Year Old Bucks: 36 to under 48 months |
Class 28 |
Four Year Old Bucks: 48 to under 60 months |
Class 29 |
Five Year Old DBucks: 60 months and older |
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Buck
Champion will be selected from the 1st place winners of classes 26-29.
Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class
from which the Champion was selected.
Grand Champion will be selected from the Junior, Yearling, and Senior Champion bucks.
Reserve Grand Champion will be selected from the remaining Champions and the Reserve Champion animal
from which the Grand Champion was selected.
Selected from the Grand Champion Doe and Buck.

2024 FGG Regional Championships - May 26th
Please see the Regionals home page on the FGG website for elgibility requirements.
Class R1 |
Regional Champion Wether |
Class R2 |
Regional Champion Doe |
Class R3 |
Regional Champion Buck |
If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Grosser by e-mail at
Click on the links below for more important information!
Click Here To See Show Results |