
Show Information
Entry Eligibility
- Open to all purebred Fainting Goats (any Fainting Goat already registered as a purebred with a Fainting Goat registry or documentation as to family linage).
- Goats do not have to be registered to be shown.
- If goat is under 4 years of age, birth date must be known to assure entry in the correct class.
- To determine which class the goat is to be entered, take the show date and count back to the birth date.
- The goat must not have been bred or be previously owned by (includes a financial interest in) the person judging the show.
- Special wether rule - to avoid the promotion of early castration, bucklings under 3 months old destined to be wethers can be shown intact in the under 3 month old wether class. However, if the "soon to be wether" is later shown as a buck, all points earned as a wether will be forfeited.
Exhibitor Information
- Anyone can exhibit a goat, regardless of whether or not the exhibitor is the owner of the goat.
- An exhibitor can enter any number of goats into a single class. However, an exhibitor can only show one goat at a time. The exhibitor must find assistance with showing the other goats in the class.
- Young exhibitors and handicapped exhibitors may receive assistance in the show ring.
- All goats must be shown with a collar (or chain) and a lead, or if necessary, a halter for added control. Wethers cannot be shown in pinch type collars due to their docile behavior being part of their score card and a major part of their ambassadorship of the breed.
- Exhibitors must agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Fainting Goat Guild, Show Host, and Show Facilities from and against any liability, claim, loss or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of any injury or damage which is caused by, arises from or is in any way connected with participation in the event.
- The local Show Host shall not be responsible for accidents or losses that may occur to any of the exhibitors or exhibits at the show. The exhibitor (or parent or guardian of a minor) is responsible for any injury or damage resulting from the exhibitor's participation in the show. This includes any injury to others or to the exhibitor or to the exhibitor's property.
Animal Health
- Any goats showing evidence of disease, particularly foot rot, sore mouth, abscesses, or fungus will be excused from participation and must be removed from the grounds (or isolated from the rest of the goats). The local Show Host and/or Veterinarian have the final decision on whether animals satisfy the health requirements.
- By submitting an entry form, each exhibitor agrees to show only healthy animals. Presenting obviously unhealthy animals may, subject to the ruling of the local Show Host, result in the entire herd's disqualification from the show.
- Out of state exhibitors must comply with the appropriate USDA regulations for transporting goats into the state in which the show is being held. This usually includes an official identification (tattoo, ear tag, or microchip), a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, and an entry permit number. Be sure to check with the Animal Health Department for the appropriate state where the show is being held. You must bring an extra copy of your goat’s Certificate of Veterinary Inspection that will be retained by the local Show Host in case the State Veterinarian calls for verification.
Judges and Judging
- A qualified Judge must be used to judge a FGG Open Fainting Goat Show. A qualified Judge is one who has been certified by a professional goat organization or has adequate training and experience to judge goats. Judges experienced in judging meat goats are preferred.
- Judges must be accepted by the FGG prior to the show.
- No one shall judge a goat in which they have bred, previously owned within the last 6 months, or have a financial interest in.
- Judges are not to observe the judging of goats that they will be judging during the show event (regardless of the number of days the event is). Once a Judge has completed their judging responsibilities, they are free to observe the judging of the goats by the next Judge(s).
- Judges may visit with exhibitors prior to judging; however, this should be kept to a minimum. When visiting with exhibitors prior to judging, the conversation should be an exchange of pleasantries and not a discussion of any exhibitors’ goats.
- If a Judge has a question regarding a specific characteristic of a goat being judged that is not specified in the breed standards, the placing of the goat is at the discretion of the Judge.
- Judge's decisions are final.
Show Administration Information
- Single entry classes may be combined with either the class before or after at the discretion of the local Show Host. This is recommended to allow the entry the opportunity to earn a point. Single entry classes do not earn points towards the Overall High Point winner (see Points section below).
- Large classes may be split at the discretion of the local Show Host and/or Judge. However, this should be used only if absolutely necessary (for example, inadequate space in the show ring). If a class is split, then the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of each of those sub-classes will compete against each other for the winner of that age group.
- Once the judging begins, entries may not be added or withdrawn from the class without the permission of the Judge and the local Show Host.
- Any questions or conflicts that arise during the show can be addressed by the local Show Host (with advice from the FGG if a Director is present at the show). Judging procedures should not be interrupted. Any urgent concerns should be addressed between classes, but without significant delay of the show. The FGG supports decisions made by the local Show Hosts.
- The FGG will record all wins and post them on the website.
- Additional classes may be added before or after the FGG show at the local Show Host’s discretion (for example, percentage classes, other breeds, obstacle courses, etc.). However, the results from these classes will not be recorded or tracked by the FGG, nor will the winners be eligible to compete in the FGG Championships or be awarded points towards the Overall High Point winner.
Champions, Grand Champions, and Best in Show
- The first and second place winners from the age classes will compete for Champion and Reserve Championships. There will be a separate Champion for Junior Wethers, Senior Wethers, Junior Does, Yearling Does, Senior Does, Junior Bucks, Yearling Bucks, and Senior Bucks.
- The Reserve Champion will be selected from the remaining 1st place winners and the animal standing 2nd in the class from which the Champion was selected. A Judge may not select a 2nd place winner to be Reserve Champion unless the 1st place winner standing 1st in the class has been awarded the Championship.
- The Junior and Senior Champion Wether, and Junior, Yearling, and Senior Doe and Buck will compete for Grand Champion.
- The Reserve Grand Champion will be selected from the remaining Champions and the animal who won Reserve Champion behind the Grand Champion that was selected.
- The Grand Champion Doe and Grand Champion Buck will compete for Best in Show.
- Placement ribbons to at least 3rd place will be awarded in each class. The actual number of placement ribbons awarded beyond 3rd place will be determined by the local Show Host.
- Rosettes will be awarded to all Champions/Reserve Champions, Grand Champions/Reserve Grand Champions, as well as Best in Show.
- Local Show Hosts may provide additional awards based on their show budget.
- Overall High Point winners:
- There will be three (3) Overall High Point winners each year (1 buck, 1 doe, and 1 wether).
- Points are earned by each 1st through 3rd place winner in each class that has at least 2 entries. The number of points earned per placing will depend on the number of goats entered in the class. This is because the larger the class, the more competition the winner had to out compete for the win. No points are earned if there is only 1 entry. See Table 1 for the 1st through 3rd place point system. Note: combining classes will not change the number of age groups considered to be represented in the Championship classes.
- The number of points earned by Champions and Reserve Champions will depend on the number of age groups represented in the Championship class. See Table 2 for the Championship point system.
- NEW BEGINING 2014 - Reserve Grand Champion points will be equal to 1/2 of the points earned by the Grand Champion. Reserve Grand Champion points will accumulate towards the Overall High Point winners. Grand Champion points will not (see Supreme Champion below).
- The points will accumulate over the year (January 1st to December 31st).
- The Overall High Point winners will be based on the points earned throughout the year.
- Winner will be announced as soon as possible after the last FGG show of the year, but no later than December 31 of that year.
- Supreme Champion:
- Grand Champion winners earn points towards a Supreme Champion title. Reserve Grand Champion does not earn points towards a Supreme Champion title, but they do earn points towards the Overall High Point winner (see Overall High Point winners above).
- The number of points earned for a Grand Championship win depend on the number of goats of the same gender that were entered in the show (junior and senior animals of the same gender combined – all wethers, or all does, or all bucks). This is because the larger the show, the more competition the winner had to out compete. See Table 3 for the Grand Champion Point System.
- Eighteen (18) Grand Champion points are required to earn a Supreme Champion title.
- Supreme Champions will be retired from competing in regular FGG shows. However, they will remain eligible to compete in Regional Championships.
- Placement, Champion, Reserve Champion, and Reserve Grand Champion points are separate from Grand Champion points and will not be combined towards the Supreme Champion title.
- If a buckling is castrated during the show year, the points earned as a buckling and then as a wether will be combined for an end of year total.
- The FGG will record and track the points earned.