North-West Classic
FGG Show Results

Hosted by Lisa Ohling

Tillamook, OR
FGG Show ~ August 16, 2015 ~ Judge: George Starbuck

Congratulations to all winners and thank you to all the
exhibitors for making the show a terrific success!

Thank you, Lisa, for putting on a great show! Thank you, George,
for judging such stiff competition!


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S1.      Adult: Handlers 19 years of age and over - No entries

S2.      Senior: Handlers 16 to 18 years of age - No entries

S3.      Intermediate: Handlers 13 to 15 years of age

Name of Handler Name of Goat Placing Points Earned
Courtney Teichert Triple-T Bubba 1 3.0

S4.      Junior: Handlers 9 to 12 years of age

Name of Handler Name of Goat Placing Points Earned
William Shute Ahart Acres Breakfast at Tiffanys 1 3.0
Cody Shute Hush Hills Twisted Sister 2 2.5

S5.      Beginner: Handlers 4 to 8 years of age

Name of Handler Name of Goat Placing Points Earned
Elianna Baca Ahart Acres Cinnamon Girl 1 3.0
Mackenzie Gordon Hush Hills Esperanza 2 2.5

Master Showman
Selected from the youth 1st and 2nd place winners of classes S2-S5 from both shows.

Master Showman
Courtney Teichert
Reserve Master Showman
William Shute

Wether Division


1.       Junior Wethers:  Under 3 months - No entries

2.       Junior Wethers:  3 to under 6 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned
Faint-Hearted Ranch Oliver Blake Johnson 1 0.5

3.       Junior Wethers:  6 to under 9 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned
Spin River Meadows Sophecless Mona Kanner 1 0.5

4.       Junior Wethers:  9 to under 12 months - No entries

Junior Champion Wether and Reserve Junior Champion Wether

Junior Champion Wether
FHR Oliver
Owned by Blake Johnson

Res Junior Champion Wether
SRM Sophecless
Owned by Spin River Meadows
Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5


5.       Yearling Wethers:  12 to under 24 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned
SRM Henri Matisse Mona Kanner 1 0.5

6.       Two Year Old Wethers:  24 to under 36 months - No entries

7.       Three Year Old Wethers:  36 months and over

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned
Triple-T Bubba Courtney Teichert 1 0.5

Senior Champion Wether and Reserve Senior Champion Wether

Senior Champion Wether
SRM Henri Matisee
Owned by Spin River Meadows

Reserve Sr Champion Wether

Triple-T Bubba
Owned by Triple-T Ranch
Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5

Grand Champion Wether and Reserve Grand Champion Wether

Grand Champion Wether
SRM Henri Matisee
Owned by Spin River Meadows

Res. Grand Ch. Wether
Triple-T Bubba
Owned by Courtney Teichert
Points Earned = 1.5* Points Earned = 0.75
* Grand Champion points accumulate towards a Supreme Champion title

Doe Classes


8.       Junior Does:  under 3 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned
Fall Over Farms A Special Knack Pam Weeks 1 0.5

9a.       Junior Does:  3 to under 6 months - CLASS 9 WAS SPLIT

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned
Fall Over Farms Foolin with Fire Pam Weeks 1 3.5
Frassenei Farms Gladys Jari Frassenei 2 3.0
Hush Hills Esperanza Mackenzie Gordon 3 2.5
Triple-T Beowulf's Maiden Courtney Teichert 4 -
Fall Over Farms Twinkle Toes Michelle Manzer 5 -
Fall Over Farms All Eyes On Me Wyatt Strahan 6 -
Fall Over Farms Peanut Kaitlyn Girardin 7 -

9b.       Junior Does:  3 to under 6 months - CLASS 9 WAS SPLIT

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Cinnamon Girl Lisa Ohling 1 3.5
SRM Beatrix Potter Mona Kanner 2 3.0
Rising S Marina Del Rey Shelly Stahan 3 2.5
Hush Hills La La Loopsie Sunshine Gordon-Quick 4 -
Fall Over Farms Pitter Patter Pam Weeks 5 -
Triple-T Harley Quinn Cody Teichert 6 -
Frassenei Farms Alice Jari Frassenei 7 -

10.     Junior Does:  6 to under 9 months

Name of Goat Owner Placing Points Earned
Rising S Roxie Shelly Stahan 1 0.5

11.      Junior Does:  9 to under 12 months - No entries

Junior Champion Doe and Reserve Junior Champion Doe

Junior Champion Doe
Ahart Acres Cinnamon Girl
Owned by Ahart Acres

Res. Junior Ch. Doe
Fall Over Farms Foolin with Fire
Owned by Fall Over Farms
Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0


12.      Yearling Does:  12 to under 16 months - No entries

13.      Yearling Does:  16 to under 20 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitors Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Whole Lotta Rosie Courtney Teichert 1 4.0
Bells Goats Chunklins Jari Frassenei 2 3.5
Faint-Hearted Ranch Spring Breeze Pam Weeks 3 3.0
Ponderosa Goats Holly Jari Frassenei 4 -
Ahart Acres Cruella Lisa Ohing 5 -
Ahart Acres Breakfast at Tiffanys William Shute - -
Ahart Acres Katniss Ahart Acres - -
Frassenei Farms Fefe Jari Frassenei - -

14.      Yearling Does:  20 to under 24 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitors Placing Points Earned
3 Dubs Acres Leialoha Rising S Ranch 1 1.0
Spin River Meadows My BFF Frassenei Farms 2 0.5

Yearling Champion Doe and Reserve Yearling Champion Doe

Yearling Champion Doe
3 Dubs Leialoha
Owned by Rising S Ranch

Res. Yearling Champion Doe
Ahart Acres Whole Lotta Rosie
Owned by Courtney Teichert
Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5


15.      Two Year Old Does:  24 to under 36 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitors Placing Points Earned
Bells Goats Debbie Jari Frassenei 1 4.5
Fall Over Farms Tres Tomboy Pam Weeks 2 4.0
Ahart Acres Rumor Has It Lisa Ohling 3 3.5
Fall Over Farms She Be Jammin Pam Weeks 4 -
Spin River Meadows Summer Mona Kanner 5 -
Ahart Acres Twisted Sister Sunshine Gordon-Quick - -
Bell Goats BB Chez Jari Frassenei - -
Bells Goats Clarice Jari Frassenei - -
Bells Goats Portneuf Princess Jari Frassenei - -

16.      Three Year Old Does:  36 to under 48 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitors Placing Points Earned
AVR Coconut So. Pecan Coffee Michelle Manzer 1 1.5
Fall Over Farms French Kiss Pam Weeks 2 1.0
Ahart Acres Lita Michelle Manzer 3 0.5

17.      Four Year Old Does:  48 to under 60 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitors Placing Points Earned
Over Easy Farm's Sky Song Michelle Manzer 1 1.5
Fall Over Farms Molly McGee Pam Weeks 2 1.0
Bells Goats Caramello Jari Frassenei 3 0.5

18.      Five Year Old Does & Over:  60 months & over

Name of Goat Owner Placing Points Earned
CMR Jazzberry Lisa Ohling 1 1.5
CMR Moon Blossom Michelle Manzer 2 1.0
Sweet Dreamer Pam Weeks 3 0.5

Senior Champion Doe and Reserve Senior Champion Doe

Senior Champion Doe
CMR Jazzberry
Owned by Ahart Acres

Res. Senior Champion Doe
AVR Coconut S. Pecan Coffee
Owned by Rocking M Myotonics
Points Earned = 3.0 Points Earned = 2.5

Grand Champion Doe and Reserve Grand Champion Doe

Grand Champion Doe
CMR Jazzberry
Owned by Ahart Acres

Res. Grand Champion Doe
3 Dubs Leialoha
Owned by Rising S Ranch
Points Earned = 6.0* Points Earned = 3.0
* Grand Champion points accumulate towards a Supreme Champion title

Buck Classes


19.      Junior Bucks: under 3 months - No entries

20.      Junior Bucks: 3 to under 6 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitors Placing Points Earned
Spin River Meadows Jonathan Swift Mona Kanner 1 4.0
Fall Over Farms Light Me Up Pam Weeks 2 3.5
Rocking R Wrangler Courtney Teichert 3 3.0
Ahart Acres Katmandu Lisa Ohling 4 -
SRM Isaac Asimov Sunshine Gordon-Quick 5 -
Fall Over Farms Spatt's Jack Sue Johnson - -
Frassenei Farms Orion Jari Frassenei - -
Rocking R Levi Cody Teichert - -

21.       Junior Bucks:  6 to under 9 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitors Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Dutch Annihilator Mona Kanner 1 0.5

22.       Junior Bucks:  9 to under 12 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitors Placing Points Earned
SRM Leonardo DaVinci Mona Kanner 1 1.0
Buck Creek Maverick Shelly Strahan 2 0.5

Junior Champion Buck and Reserve Junior Champion Buck

Junior Champion Buck
SRM Leonardo DaVinci
Owned by Spin River Meadows

Res. Junior Champion Buck
Buck Creek Maverick
Owned by Rising S Ranch
Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0


23.      Yearling Bucks:  12 to under 16 months

Name of Goat Owner Placing Points Earned
Triple-T Rodeo Cowboy Tracy Teichert 1 0.5

24.      Yearling Bucks:  16 to under 20 months

Name of Goat Owner Placing Points Earned
Spin River Meadows Ansel Adams Mona Kanner 1 0.5

25.      Yearling Bucks:  20 to under 24 months - No entries

Yearling Champion Buck and Reserve Yearling Champion Buck

Yearling Champion Buck
SRM Ansel Adams
Owned by Spin River Meadows

Res. Yearling Ch. Buck
Triple-T Rodeo Cowboy
Owned by Triple-T Ranch
Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5


26.       Two Year Old Bucks:  24 to under 36 months

Name of Goat Owner Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Wet Willy Mona Kanner 1 1.0
Harley's Barn Hawkeye Michelle Manzer 2 0.5

27.       Three Year Old Bucks:  36 to under 48 month

Name of Goat Owner Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Jagger Mona Kanner 1 0.5

28.       Four Year Old Bucks:  48 to under 60 months

Name of Goat Owner Placing Points Earned
Azure Farms Dakota Michelle Manzer 1 0.5

29.       Five Year Old Bucks & Over:  60 months & over - No entries

Senior Champion Buck and Reserve Senior Champion Buck

Senior Champion Buck

Ahart Acres Jagger
Owned by Spin River Meadows

Res. Senior Ch. Buck
Azure Farms Dakota
Owned by Rocking M Myotonics
Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0

Grand Champion Buck and Reserve Grand Champion Buck

Grand Champion Buck
Ahart Acres Jagger
Owned by Spin River Meadows

Res. Grand Champion Buck
Spin River Meadows Ansel Adams
Owned by Spin River Meadows
Points Earned = 4.5* Points Earned = 2.25
* Grand Champion points accumulate towards a Supreme Champion title


Ahart Acres Jagger
Owned by Spin River Meadows

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