How to Microchip a Goat

Courtesy of Sue Johnson (Ancient Valley Ranch)

Microchips are used for permanent identification. The chip is the size of a grain of rice and is actually a tiny computer chip that is encased in a glass material.

The chip can be read with a handheld device that uses radio waves to read the chip. Some microchips have been known to migrate so I have found that the best place to insert the microchip is in the tail web (the loose, hairless area under the tail on either side of the anus). I always use the left side of the tail web to make finding the microchip easier.

  • Remove the microchip injector from its container, being careful to keep the needle up so the chip doesn't fall out.
  • Scan it to confirm that the number scanned is identical to the number on the barcode stick-on labels. 
  • The microchips come with several labels that can be attached to your registration applications and to your ranch records.
  • I use a permanent marker and write the goats name on the plastic container keeping all the labels in the container until I am done microchipping all the goats.

Example of Microchip

Check Microchip with Scanner
Check Microchip

  • Have somebody help you by having them hold the goat on their lap while sitting on a chair.
  • Dangle the goats legs over their lap.
  • This keeps the goat from being able to get a footing on something and relaxes them.
  • Have your assistant hold up the tail.
  • Clean the insertion area with alcohol to prevent any bacteria from going into the injection site.
  • Pull the loose skin (webbing) out in a tent manner.

Clean Area
Clean Area

Pull Skin Flap (Webbing)
Pull Flap

  • Insert the needle just under the loose skin about an inch or so, pressing upward at a nearly parallel angle.
  • Press the plunger until it stops.
  • Remove the needle, keeping your thumb on the injection hole.
  • Apply pressure for a few minutes to prevent the microchip from coming out and to stop any bleeding.
  • Put a small drop of crazy glue or medical tape on the injection site to close the opening and keep the chip from coming back out of the hole.
  • Scan to locate the implanted microchip to confirm that the chip in in the tail.

Insert Microchip
Insert Microchip

Close with Crazy Glue
Dab with Super Glue

Read Chip
Read Chip

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